
Animal Secrets- Tony Stark X Reader : Part 1

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Flying high above New York while clinging onto Iron Man’s suit was something you never thought you would do. During the flight you did your best not to look down but you peeked once, getting dizzy almost instantly. Thankfully you managed to get to Stark Tower all in one piece. Landing  safely on the Tower’s roof you got back on the ground and stood there while his armor detached himself from Tony. He strode confidently towards you, obviously proud that he had such high tech technology, and guided you back inside the Tower.

“You liked the show ?” He asked you with a smirk plastered on his face.

“Yeah whatever rocks your boat,” You said walking next to him.

Entering the living room you found Pepper lying on the couch with a glass of wine in her hands and a half empty bottle of wine resting on the table. She looked like a complete mess with her strawberry blonde hair tousled and her eyes close to looking bloodshot. Her back was to you so she did not notice that you entered the room with Tony.

“Go away Tony,” She groaned.

“Pepper not in front of the kid,” Tony sighed.

She turned around slowly and her cheeks grew scarlet red when she noticed you standing next to Tony rather awkwardly. She quickly placed her wine glass on the table and fixed her hair, plastering on a fake smile during the process.

“(Name)! You’re here! I thought you weren’t going to show up for another hour or so. I’m so sorry I didn’t go to pick you up at the airport,” She smiled apologetically.

“Don't’ worry Pepper by the way you look like crap,” You said walking towards her and giving her a bear hug.

“Thanks, you look lovely as well,” She sighed. You and Pepper had gotten to know each other while talking to each other through skype so you guys were honest with each other in a comedic way.

“Uhm well I’m going to leave you guys alone,” Tony said awkwardly then walked away.

“So tell me what did you guys fight about this time?” You asked her once both of you sat down on the leather couch.

Pepper ran a hand through her hair as she sunk further into the couch. She looked at the door from where Tony had left, checking to make sure he wasn’t listening in on their conversation.

“Oh the usual, (Name). He just won’t stop with those suits of his.”

“What’s wrong with the suits?” You raised an eyebrow at her.

She took a sip from her wine. “He just...I don’t know he pays so much attention to them and more than once has those suits caused trouble. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times he came close to death, and blew up the Tower.”

“You just need to be patient with him, Pepp’s,” You smiled at her. “Besides Tony’s suits have helped save a lot of lives before.”

“That’s true….” She trailed off.

       There was slight awkward silence as she finished up her wine and you stared at the floor lost in your thoughts. You weren’t that close with the billionaire that was Tony Stark. Pepper had mentioned him to you several times before and all you could conclude was that the man was trouble. That’s all you could really guess though since today was the first day you met him. However ever since the incident earlier this night, you knew that Tony was a good guy.

“So…will you talk it out with him?” You asked raising an eyebrow.

“I have no clue (Name), I’m tired of having these fights. He never listens to me, those suits are dangerous and he doesn’t care at all!” She said frustrated sweeping her hair behind her ear.

“Those suits are like his children Pepper, you can’t just expect him to easily give it up,” You tried to reason with her.

She looked at you sharply. “Well maybe I don’t want to have little metal children.”

“Okay, okay,” You chuckled. “But try to understand that this is hard for him. He spend most of his life building them so it might take him awhile to finally give it up.” You said yawning.

“Yeah I guess,” She pondered. “Well let me show you where you’ll be sleeping for now then tomorrow morning we can talk more,” She said while getting up.

“Yeah I really need my beauty sleep,” You stood up too and followed her down the hallway.

   The room that you would be staying in was huge. The bed was in the center of the room and you had a wonderful view of Manhattan since one section of the room ceiling to floor windows. Thankfully there were black shades that could slide down with a push of a button. The last thing you wanted was to flash Manhattan when you stepped out of the shower. You noticed that you had a walk in closet by the far left corner of the room and next to that was the sparkling, white bathroom. The bed had (f/c) sheets with huge fluffy pillows. There was a black nightstand on either side of the bed with sleek, silver lamps on the wall that could be pushed in whatever direction you want the light to shine. The floor was white and carpeted and you had a small living room area in the back right corner of the room. There was a maroon colored sofa with black pillows and a flat screen TV on the wall as well a glass coffee table littered with magazines.

This was so much better than your room back home.

“You’ll be fine here, right?” Pepper questioned.

“I’ll be more than alright, I’ll probably sleep like a rock,” You glanced at her then dropped your duffel bag on the floor.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~

The next morning you awoke to the sound of an explosion. You turned and looked at the alarm clock on the night stand. It was only 5:00 AM, which pissed you off because you still had jet lag. You got up from your bed and walked towards the door opening it. You had no clue where the explosion came from but you saw smoke coming from down the stairs. So you ran towards the direction it was coming from, covering your mouth and nose with your arm. You somehow managed to find the living room by stubbing your toe against.

“Son of a-!” You screamed before hopping around the couch on leg and plopping down on it.

“Miss (l/n) it would be wise for you to get back into your room,” A robotic voice said to you. You had no idea where the voice was exactly coming from because it just to came to you in all directions.

“Who said that…?” You said uneasily.

“Sorry (Name) that was JARVIS,” You heard Tony say as he approached you. “JARVIS clear up the smoke please.”

“Right away sir,” JARVIS said.

In just a few seconds the smoke was sucked up and now outside thanks to JARVIS. You were able to see and breathe better now. You looked up to see Tony standing behind you with a tired look in his eyes. He wore a black tank top with his arc reactor glowing underneath the fabric and grey sweat pants.

“Let me guess,” You scowled. “You caused the explosion?”

“Maaaybe~” He said innocently.

“Tony,” You warned.

“Hey calm down Sleeping Beauty it was just a little explosion.”

“It woke me up,” You growled.

He stroked his beard. “If it weren’t for me yesterday than you wouldn’t even be here right now so just let this one slide. Pepper’s probably going to show up any minute now too.”

As if on cue, Pepper was standing in front of Tony with her arms folded in front of her chest. She certainly wasn’t having a good morning.

“God Tony how many times do I have to tell you to stop this madness!” She scorned.” Why can’t you ever listen to me?” She asked looking at Tony.

“You can’t just expect me to just throw away everything I worked hard for,” Tony’s face was getting red.

“Okay guys can we just call it a day and go back to sleep?” You interrupted them.

Both of them glanced at you but just went separate ways.

“I guess that’s a yes?” You asked your self.

Well that was very awkward, You thought before going back to your room to go back to sleep.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

     After waking up for the second time that day, you smiled to yourself and stretched. You had gotten your full hours of sleep so for that you were happy. You ran your fingers through your hair and walked over to the bathroom. The bathroom was medium sized with a clawfoot bathtub in the left corner with a shower on the opposite side of the room with glass walls instead of curtains. You discarded your pj’s and decided to take a quick shower. After finishing up your shower you walked out and picked up the remote on your nightstand and pressed the top red button to have the blinds slid down halfway. You opened up your duffel bag and dumped out of your clothing. When you picked out what you were going to wear for the day, (f/c) long sleeved v-neck shirt with black jeans, you put the rest of your clothes in the closet and laced up your combat boots. By the time you were done with everything, your stomach started growling. You left your room and went straight to the kitchen, since they didn’t have your favorite cereal, you decided to make bacon with omelette, and put a cup of orange juice for yourself. Once you finished cooking Tony showed up.

“What’s up kid,” He said taking a sit next to you.

“Can you stop calling me kid, old man?” You said taking a bite of your bacon.

“I’m no old man!” He protested.

“Well you sure act like a spoiled brat,” You stated taking another bite from your food. “If you and Pepper want breakfast there’s some left over,” You said getting up from your seat.

“Pepper already left,” Tony whispered looking down at the floor.

“Just give her some space I’m sure things will work out between you guys but I have to go,” You grabbed your plate and put it in the sink.

“Where you going?” Tony asked with an eyebrow raised.

“To my job,” You said simply.

“Do you need a ride? I can ask Happy to drive you there,” He asked.

“No thanks,” You shook your head at him. “I can get there on my own.”

He shrugged. “Alright well...see you later I guess.”

“Later old man,” You stuck your tongue out at him.

        Before Tony could make a good comeback or witty remark, you left and went to your room. You picked up your duffel and stuffed your black body suit in it as well as your utility belt along with some extra weapons just in case. You exited your room to find Tony already gone. You procceded to enter the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor. Being at the very top of the Tower, it took you a while to get all the way down. When you got to first floor you walked outside to be greeted with a black limo just like your boss said there would be. You slid in the back seat and greeted the driver.

“Good morning Miss,” Was all he said before he started driving away.

“Good morning,” You replied.

         You looked outside the window and saw all the tall buildings pass you by in a blurred wave. About an hour later you were at your destination: SHIELD Headquarters. You bid the driver farewell and got out of the car and headed inside the massive building. When you entered you found agents as well as scientists moving about or looking at things displayed on brightly colored blue screens. You couldn’t understand everything what they were talking about but you managed to comprehend somethings. You headed to where your boss would be.

It was a simple meeting room with a big, black circular table with matching chairs and white walls that had blue screens on them. You were used to seeing this type of technology all over the place. What you weren’t used to was seeing two girls around your age eating McDonald’s and drinking Arizona iced tea. They stared back at you absentmindedly while you returned a quizzical gaze.  

One of the girls had peach colored skin and pearl pink cheeks. She had bright, aqua colored eyes mixed with a color green that reminded you of grass. She had long, wavy dark brown hair that reached just below her chest stopping at her mid upper arm. She appeared to be a mix of some sort due to the way her eyes were shaped. She wore a black leather jacket with a purple tank top underneath and black, ripped jeans with black sneakers. The girl next to her had brown skin that reminded you of honey and had dark, sapphire orange eyes with flecks of honey of them. Her hair was black and reached just below the shoulder with her side bangs that slightly covered her left eye. She wore a black one shouldered sweater that reached her knees with hot pink leggings and knee-high boots. They looked different yet you could sense they had some similarities.

“Hey,” The girl with the blue eyes said nonchalantly.

“Uh hello…” You trailed off. “Am I in the right place? I was supposed to meet Director Fury here.”

“You’re in the right place,” The girl nodded. “He should be here in a few minutes.”

“Oh okay.”

You decided to sit down across from the girls while they finished eating up a breakfast sandwich. The girl with the black hair eyed you suspiciously while the other girl just smiled at you friendly.

“So you gonna tell us your name?” The girl with the black hair asked.

“Oh right, my name’s (f/n) (l/n),” You smiled at them weakly.

“Alessa Fae,” The girl with the black hair introduced herself. “This is my friend Zoey Silva.”

“Hello,” The girl with peach skin smiled at you. “Are you a new agent at SHIELD?”

“Yup,” You nodded. “I’ve just been transferred here from another agency and this is my first day working at SHIELD.”

A faint mischievous smile cracked on Alessa’s face. “I remember when I was ‘transferred’.”

Zoey and Alessa laughed a little bit and then returned to their normal state. You raised an eyebrow at the two confused. Who were these people? Director Fury certainly did not mention these two girls when he gave you a description on working with SHIELD.

“I don’t understand…” You trailed off confused.

“Alessa was apart of another agency too till she escaped and Fury took her in as one of his agents,” Zoey explained. “I ended up in SHIELD because I was a sharpshooter. That and well my powers were slowly becoming a danger to society.”

“Powers?” You gasped.

Alessa nodded. “Zoey has invisibility powers while I,” She smirked while her eyes flashed gold. “Have the power of creating illusions. Do you have any powers?”

“Sadly no,” You sighed. “I’m pretty good with things like knives though. It’s the main reason why I’m here.”

“Oo give us a demonstration,” Zoey said with excitement in her voice. She turned towards Alessa. “Hey Ali, make a target please.”

“Mfmm got it,” She said between bites of her sandwich.

      You looked at the two girls puzzled mixed with awe as you watched Alessa’s eyes change to gold and suddenly red targets were scattered across the room. You reached into your duffel bag and pulled out your signature hunting knife. With a deep breath you threw it at the target that was behind Zoey and Alessa, hitting the center with a thud. They looked back and smiled at you impressed and encouraged you to go on. You pulled out three more knives from your bag and threw them at the targets around the room. This went on till you hit every signal target, each in the very center.

“Bravo,” Alessa clapped. “That’ll come in handy on missions.”

“Yeah good job,” Zoey smiled.

“Thank you,” You smiled back at the two.

You watched as Alessa’s eyes flickered back to their original color and the targets disappeared but your knives were still in place on the wall. Zoey’s eyes widened when she realized that Alessa had placed a target in front of a computer screen that was now damaged because of the knife.

“You idiot!” She yelled at Alessa. “Fury’s gonna be pissed at us now!”

“Non mi chiamare un idiota!” Alessa growled. (Translation: Don’t call me an idiot!)

“A culpa é sua burra!” Zoey yelled. (It’s your fault dumb!)

“Dumb? Oh sto andando così a calci in culo per questo,” Alessa snarled. (I’m so going to kick your ass for that.)

You looked between the girls confused as hell. One was speaking Portuguese, while the other was speaking Italian and yet somehow they managed to understand each other. You decided to intervene in their little argument when you saw they were about to claw at each other.

“Guys! Guys! Call down!” You shouted above their bickering. “Let’s just try and figure out how to fix this…”

Zoey and Alessa calmed down and exchanged looks with each other. You walked over to the broken screen and scratched your head puzzled, trying to figure out how the three of you were supposed to fix this thing before Fury showed up.

“Zoey, penso che tu sai cosa fare…” Alessa whispered to Zoey. (Zoey I think you know what to do.)

With a nod Zoey approached the screen and yanked it right off the wall. You looked at her in shock as she started to turn invisible as well the screen in her hands. Then suddenly the door opened and Director Fury walked in. Zoey was entirely invisible now but you had a feeling she left the room with the broken screen since you felt a strange gust of wind pass you by. She was probably heading somewhere to have it fixed.

“I see you’ve met Alessa,” Fury nodded at you.

“Uh, yes I did,” You said while trying to compose yourself again.

“Where’s Zoey?” Fury asked Alessa.

She shrugged. “I think she said something about getting Dunkin Donuts for the team…”

As soon as those words left Alessa’s mouth Zoey walked back in with a smile.

“So Zoey where are the donuts,” Fury asked with a raised eyebrow.

Zoey scrunched her forehead in confusion, looking at you then Alessa.

“Gli ho detto che hai ciambelle per la squadra,” Alessa whispered to Zoey. (I told him you got donuts for the team.)

Fury looked between the girls suspiciously. “I thought I told you girls to stop speaking different languages with people in the room who don’t understand it.”

“ Ah desculpa Director Fury but all of the donuts are now breaking down in my stomach,” You gave him a smile.” But if you want I can go and get you guys some more,” Zoey asked jabbing her thumb towards the door.

“ I won’t risk you going to get us food plus we have a meeting right now so I’ll send another agent to pick up the food and not eat it.” Fury said giving Zoey a hard look.

“Okay, okay,” Zoey put her hands up in surrender. Alessa snickered at the girl taking the blame for something she did. Zoey sat down next Alessa and you sat across from them.

“So how long will you be staying here?” Alessa asked you.

“I have no clue but I have become apart of the team,” You said with a small smile.

“Well welcome to the family,” Zoey said with enthusiasm.

Before you spoke other people entered the conference room. A woman with short, fiery red curly hair who also had the SHIELD jumpsuit on, a man with purple button up long sleeved shirt with black pants, a man with lemon blond hair wearing a brown leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath with dark blue jeans, another man that had light brown hair, who came in with the red hair lady, wore black t-shirt with jeans, and lastly a tall man with long blonde hair wearing armor. They all sat around the table and soon introduced themselves to you. From left to right it went as: You, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Zoey, Alessa, Steve, and Thor.

“Before we start the meeting we have one member missing,” Fury mumbled underneath his breath.

Then the door opened revealing the late Tony Stark.

     When his eyes met yours, he was equally shocked as you were. Both your jaws dropped. The rest of the team looked between you and Tony, Alessa and Zoey exchanging mischievous smiles.

“ work here?” Tony asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“I was just about to ask you the same thing,” You stated. “But yes, I work here.”

“You know you could’ve just asked me to drive you here if I knew you worked here,” He grumbled while taking a seat next to you.

“I prefer not to tell the entire world that I work with SHIELD,” You shrugged.

“Whatever,” He mumbled. He looked at Fury. “So what’s the game plan today cyclops?”

“Tony,” Fury growled. “We were just about to discuss the usual and explain to (Name) her what SHIELD is about since she will be working with all of you know.”

“This calls for a celebration then,” Tony flashed his signature smile.

“Not now,” Fury barked.

“You’re no fun,” Tony fake pouted.

The rest of the meeting went on with Director Fury talking and Tony and Steve bickering sometimes followed by Alessa and Zoey. You realized that this team was filled with crazy people that were complete opposites but somehow managed to function together. Fury finished up his speech and dismissed the team. Bruce, Clint, Natasha, and Thor were already out the door and Alessa and Zoey were just about to exit with Steve until…

“Wasn’t there a screen on this wall?” Fury asked with raising an eyebrow at the two girls.

With a twirl on her heel, Alessa exited the room saying, “Non ho idea di cosa tu stai parlando.” (I have no idea what you’re talking about.)

“Eu sabia que ele ia notar,” ( I knew he was going to notice it.) Zoey said quickening her pace.

“ZOEY! ALESSA!” Fury yelled while going after the girls.

You sighed, realizing that being apart of this team wasn’t going to be easy.
"This is a collaboration between me and :iconPhoenuxAngel7:

Hooray for part one coming out! Now for those of you wondering who da fuck Zoey and Alessa are, it's pretty simple. Zoey and Alessa are Tiffany's and I's OC's. Jane=Zoey, Phoenix(real name Tiffany)=Alessa. In this chapter Zoey and Alessa are like the comedic relief lol and yes Zoey is Brazilian and Alessa is Italian. They can understand each other's languages but not speak them. So Zoey speaks Portuguese and understands Italian but does not speak it. Same thing for Alessa except other way around. We decided to throw our OC's in their just for fun and also for some specific reasons that you'll probably see in the next chapter.

Alessa belong to Tiffany.
Zoey belongs to ME.
Story idea belongs to the both of us.
You belong to Tony ;)

Hope you guys like it, don't forget to fav and watch!"

© 2013 - 2024 xxjane123xx
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